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New Podcast - Just Flow With It

New Podcast - Just Flow With It

Queue excitement, anxiety, and fear. Ah!

But here's to pushing through it all and giving into the sheer enjoyment of accomplishing this goal of mine - starting a podcast. It’s called, Just Flow With It.

What's it about?

I've always been a curious student and eager to always learn from people from all walks of life. One of the most interesting teachings I've learned is the process of being in flow (thanks, Oprah!), which is when you pleasantly lose yourself in the work that fills you, that inspires you, that makes you a better a person to yourself and the people around you. That's flow, baby, and I want more of that for everyone! However, to be in flow, you must first be in flow with your inner true self, the real you. Not the you that you were taught to be, but the you that you were meant to be. To be in flow with who you are, you must be willing to embrace your gifts, your shadows, your brilliance, your true self.

So, my podcast, Just Flow With It, is meant to inspire us all to live our lives unapologetically and authentically as ourselves.

That puts us one step closer to having a world that’s ruled by kindness, love, compassion, and conscious decision making that advances humanity while protecting the environment.

Listen to it on Apple Podcast or Spotify.

Special thanks to my first two guests, Enrico Moses of Zen House and Tina Hedges of LOLI Beauty.

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