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How I Healed My Chronic Yeast Infections

How I Healed My Chronic Yeast Infections

Ladies, you know how uncomfortable candida overgrowth, aka yeast infections, can be - the pain, heavy discharge, unpleasant smell, soreness, itchiness - it’s no fun! In the last 2 years, I ended up contracting chronic episodes of yeast infections, in which I tried all sorts of ways to heal it. I tried suppositories like Monistat, which made the burning worst. I tried the creams and that had no effect. I tried the very aggressive drug called Diflucan and that did a number on my gut, which weakened my immune system even further. I eventually discovered boric acid suppositories, which did provide relief. It actually stopped my yeast infection outbreaks but then they would come back a few days after I stopped using the suppositories.

I definitely didn’t want to be dependent on boric acid for the rest of my life. And I knew inside my gut that there is a world that exists where I don’t have to have chronic yeast infections. I knew that because I used to live in that world. I was determined to rediscover it.

That’s when Ayurveda entered my life and it showed me that the solution to my problems wasn’t found in something I swallow or rubbed on my body. It’s found in understanding what causes yeast infections in the first place and identifying what I’m doing that causes the outbreak.

Several factors can cause candida overgrowth, such as hormone imbalance, stress, contracting it from sex, antibiotics, birth control, unclean hygiene. But the main cause will always be traced back to a low immune system which is caused by poor gut health or weakened digestion. Ayurveda teaches us that the gut is what digests everything we consume, from food, to chemicals, to thoughts, to emotions. And when we consume things or in a manner that is difficult for our gut to digest, our digestive system then has to work harder. That means that our bodies have to use up more energy on digesting as opposed to spreading that energy around to our immune system to keep bacteria and fungi in check. This causes candida, which is a fungus that lives on and inside the body, to overgrow.

So what my Ayurveda doctor told me to do is to strengthen my immune system by healing my gut. Here are a few things she urged me to change about my lifestyle in order to do that:

  • Reducing and or avoiding food with processed sugar - sugar is candida’s favorite thing! So whenever we eat processed sugar, we’re strengthening the fungi in the body.

  • Reducing and/or eliminating coffee - caffeine slows down digestion because it tells the body to focus on making more adrenaline. If you want coffee, make sure you don’t consume it after eating because that’s a recipe for indigestion.

  • Chewing my food adequately - I had to actually slow down and make sure I was chewing enough before I swallow. When we don’t chew our food properly, we make our stomach work harder to break down the food, which makes it harder to absorb the food’s nutrients.

  • Quit snacking by eating 3 meals a day with 4-6 hours gaps in between - eating throughout the day exhausts the digestive system because you’re continuously putting food in as it tries to break down what’s already there. This means your body now has to put in more energy breaking down your food vs. strengthening your immune system. Give your body the 4-6 hours it needs to fully process your meals.

  • Drinking warm water first thing in the morning - when you wake up, your digestive fire is working to reignite its flame, so consuming something warm will help it do that. Think of it as you putting gas on the flame. But drinking something cold like a smoothie or iced coffee puts out your digestive fire, making digestion slower and weaker. Think of that cold smoothie as sand putting out the flame.

  • Getting enough restful sleep - sleep allows your digestion to rest since it’s not breaking down and processing food. Specifically, pitta time, which is from 10pm - 2am, is when your digestive system does most of its restorative work.

  • Managing stress levels - chronic stress weakens the immune system, which means candida has more power to grow.

  • Chewing a sliver of ginger with lemon and salt a little before mealtime - think of this as a starter or appetizer for your agni (the sanskrit word for your digestive fire). It helps jumpstart your digestive fire before you eat your meal, making digestion, stronger.

  • Take natural herbs to promote regular elimination - yes, I was indeed constipated, and so I was so happy to know that there are natural remedies that I can take that safely and gently helps me eliminate. My doctor prescribed Banyan Botanical’s Triphala formulation. I take these babies every night and with no avail, I go potty every morning. Not eliminating waste regularly causes a backup in your intestines, disturbing the natural process and balance in your gut, which we now all know weakens the immune system.

Other things that I did are:

  • I stopped taking my birth control pills -this is something that I’ve thought about for months because the hormones in the drug just disturbed my body chemistry so much. In fact, I’ve experienced so much imbalance related to mood and anxiety, as well. It was the best decision I’ve made.

  • Cleansing my vaginal area 3 times a day with a portable bidet - better hygiene never hurts!

  • Daily meditation - this helped manage my stress level. I use Deepak and Oprah’s guided meditations through their app.

  • Exercising 4-5 x a week - physical activity is good for the immune system, which is why I recommitted to working out regularly. There was a time when I would go a full month not moving body and I realized that just didn’t put me in a good place physically and mentally. I felt out of shape and my confidence plummeted because I knew I wasn’t taking care of myself. That led to stress, which is not good for the immune system. One thing to note about exercise is that it can cause yeast infections if you keep your sweaty clothes (wet pants and underwear) on for a long time. So, remember, exercise and sweat aren’t bad. It’s letting that moist an wet environment linger in your vaginal area that can contribute to the overgrowth.

These changes completely changed my life. Since then, I have had 0 yeast infections, my belly has leaned out, I no longer feel bloated or constipated, my mood has improved, and I have more energy throughout the day. Now, I’m not saying that these exact steps will work for you. Instead, think of these as actions you can try and experiment with. Remember, do what feels right for your body.

The methods that I used prove the connection between digestion, the immune system, hygiene, and mindfulness. All these are aspects of overall health and wellness, which doesn’t come from a pill. It takes dedication, work, and the ability to listen and understand what your body needs.

It feels so good to not have to rely on suppositories and not have to go through life with burning, itching, unpleasant smells that come with yeast infections.

Ayurveda and Purpose: For those who want to learn more about agni (digestive fire), pitta, and other Ayurvedic teachings.

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